Nikki Grover

Nikki Grover
Vice President, Business Management & Transformation
Nikki Grover is vice president of Business Management and Transformation for Consolidated Nuclear Security, the management and operating contractor for the Y‑12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. In this role, she oversees the following organizations: Finance and Business Operations; Contracts; Human Resources;
Enterprise Planning and Controls; Supply Chain Management; and Information Solutions and Services, including Transformation. She is responsible for facilitating continuous improvement and driving delivery of a common CNS enterprise resources planning platform.
Prior to her current role, Grover was the chief financial officer, overseeing financial and business operations activities at the Pantex Plant and Y‑12, as CNS worked to lower business costs while maintaining excellent performance and safety records.
Grover has more than 35 years of leadership experience in business management, including finance, project controls, human resources, prime contracts and procurement, information technology, and facilities management. She has spent more than 25 of those years at U.S. Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration
sites and laboratories and has served as the corporate representative on multiple boards and committees, including the benefits and investment committees of numerous multibillion‑dollar defined benefit pension and 401(k) plans. She is trained in investment management through Wharton executive education.
Before joining CNS, Grover was the chief financial officer and business services manager for Bechtel Nuclear, Security, and Environmental, with a portfolio exceeding $10 billion per year in revenue. Grover had responsibility for all financial and business services staffing, budget,
compliance, and reporting for domestic and international offices and projects.
Grover also previously served as the Global Human Resources Services manager as part of Bechtel’s Worldwide Shared Services Organization, which served projects and offices in 44 countries across the globe. Her responsibilities included managing personnel and services at offices in the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, and Chile.
Before joining Bechtel in 1999, Grover served in a variety of management and leadership roles with a major aerospace and defense contractor.
She holds a B.S. in economics.